First an apology for not posting sooner. Very, very busy at the moment. All manner of shit going down.
So now to the matter in hand and of course I expect to be ridiculed and lampooned unmercilessly. Yes it is Dire Straits. Yes I bought this album (from a little record shop in Hitchin I remember where I was very impressed that the shop owner knew the serial numbers to every record). And yes I still like it to this day. Unlike later efforts where Knopfler et al left all sense behind and embraced Americana with welcome arms, this has an honest simplicity. It is a million miles away from 'Money for Nothing'. You can tell it was made on a budget but not really because of the lack of production. In fact it is the lack of rock histrionics that sets it apart from the rock cliches that punk was trying to rid the charts of in the late seventies.
Disagree with me if you must, but this album is a gem.
Dire Straits - Southbound Again (mp3)
Dire Straits - Wild West End (mp3)
Buy Dire Straits here (buy any of the others at your peril)
peel has nice things to say about them in his book so they can't be all bad.
i think you're very brave...
I absolutely love this album -like you, always have. They were a really tight pub blues/rock band and there are some great songs on this. It also, nearly 30 years on, still SOUNDS great! And let's not forget that just a year later - and still before the headband, 'Money For Nothing' and all THAT - Knopfler was producing Bob Dylan('Slow Train Coming').
What happened to Pick Withers though? Eh?
Top post Rev x
I have a sneaking liking for a fair bit of Dire Straits, but this is not something I will ever admit to anyone anywhere ever.
And I second that, Ally: what balls!
Yes yes yes. Great album, indeed, as were Communique and Making Movies. People forget, but DS were something special early on.
Like Communique, but Brothers In Arms is a pile of turgid, turgid rubbish. Especially Your latest Trick. Ugh
I... saw them live at Wembley once. Worst concert I've ever been too. Every single song was dragged out to 'Private Investigation' length with interminable solos in every song. Plus they had all the personality of dead fish.
In my defense it was a freebie, my boss had a bunch of tickets and took us.
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