Buddy Holly died this day in 1959. The plane crash that claimed his life (as well as Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper) when only 22 years old, had far reaching effects in the world of rock and roll music. Its hard to believe that Holly recorded songs for only three years.
Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue (mp3)
Weezer - Buddy Holly (mp3)
Buy Holly and Weezer here and here
Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue (mp3)
Weezer - Buddy Holly (mp3)
Buy Holly and Weezer here and here
So he'd be 71 now if he'd lived. I wonder what he'd be doing? Would he be singing country or pop? Would the 60s have wiped him out? Would he have stopped performing and focused on writing? Would Rick Rubin have recorded him in the 90s? Would he have collaborated with Elvis Costello in the 80s? Would he wear contact lenses? Or silver framed specs? Or would the trademark black glasses have always remained?
Welcome back, you been gone too long :)
I think you've struck a rich vein here. Dead artists - what would they be doing now? Hendrix, Joplin, Drake, Moon - the possibilities might be very amusing (in a kind of sick but lighthearted way) to pursue. Answers on a postcard please.
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