
Traditionally, of course, 'Blue Monday' is the beginning of the working week (not for the Tutu Vicar though because he is on holiday - hurrah). Also has been known as 'Black Monday' after the stock market crash in 1987. Monday (for those who don't know) gets its name from the Moon (shock, horror) and a fine name it is therefore. The moon will provide more reasons for posts in forthcoming weeks.
Monday has also been responsible for providing inspiration for many musicians - just a few of which you can find below:
The Bangles - Manic Monday (mp3) (buy)
New Order - Blue Monday (mp3) (buy)
The Boomtown Rats - I Don't Like Mondays (mp3) (buy)
Wilco - Monday (mp3) (buy)
Just unearthed your fine nugget of a blog.
Fine work old boy.
Do you know The Jam's 'Monday' from Sound Affects?
Thanks for your kind comments dickvandyke. Yes I do know that track. In fact I remember buying Sound Effects when it came out - but haven't got round to converting to mp3 yet. Would have been top of the list otherwise.
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