Whatever Happened to Leon Trotsky?

The last time I saw The Stranglers was November 1st 1986 at Gloucester Leisure Centre - over twenty years ago. Bloody hell I must be getting old. I've always really liked The Stranglers, even when it was really unhip to do so. In the years 1977-1980 to be a real punk-rocker you mustn't have liked the old art school, middle class punk wannabies. They were tainted with their links to pub-rock and psychedelia in a way that their punk contemporaries never were. I suppose they were just too old. I think what I really liked about their music though (other than the Dave Greenfield organ bits) was their intellectualism. Sure I also enjoyed the angry young man songs of The Ruts, SLF and The Sex Pistols; but I thought The Stranglers were different and what was wrong with that? Perhaps by the time of 'Golden Brown' and 'Strangle Little Girl' my affection for the group was waning somewhat, but I will always hold the first three albums with a great degree of affection.
1. The Stranglers - Something Better Change (mp3)
2. The Stranglers - Hanging Around (mp3)
Buy their output here
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